Alexandra Zvi

Alexandra Zvi
Designed by God to design

Monday 5 March 2012

A lesson learned

On saturday 3rd March the weather was like this. 

The fashion shoot was to take place at 
Captains Cooks Cottage garden.
I panicked, oh dear, the venue, the hairdresser, make artist, model and photographer was all booked. Oh my dear Lord I thought, I've worked so hard at preparing this day. 
The Venue - Captain Cooks Cottage
These photos are going to show the world who I am. 

Part of me decided if it didn't happen it was because it just wasn't the right time. For 20 years I've been telling myself it just hasn't been the right time. 

The other part of me was desperate and crying out - 'Please let the weather be OK'. I realised that I hadn't made a contingency plan of bad weather;  so sure that it was going to happen. Blind faith hey? I'm sure those reading this who have a faith in Jesus are shaking your heads and smiling. Yes I can see a parable or some sermon coming out of this too.

As I woke on Sunday morning, I looked at the weather and realised that it would be clear by mid-morning when the shoot was to take place. As I drove over to pick up the model the revelation came. Man can control all he/she likes but somethings in Life will not be controlled - the weather being one of them. The maker of the universe controls this. And My Lord gave me perfect weather. 

the sun came and went came and went!
There were moments when grey clouds began to cover the blue but a heartfelt prayer silently lept from my lips and the Sun came out. So much so that there was one occasion that John Englezos - my No. 1 photographer was  driven to distraction by the sun coming in and out at the rate of minute by minute. Seriously  he would set the exposure only to be ready to press the button to find the sun was out again.  
The sun keeps shining

So as I now contact fabric suppliers and machinists to forecast how much the collection would cost to manufacture. I'm aware of all this preparation on my part is only a small part of the equation. The rest is up to me believing I can walk on water and the factors that can not be controlled will fall into place because the man who made the weather has the plans and purposes just for me. 

Here is a taster of the Jewel Collection. I shall blog the process at some stage. It will hopefully help budding design students. But for now folks this wee blog is all about me. 

I have a new mission statement - moved on from the Holstee manifesto to this : 

To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.


  1. The collection looks absolutely beautiful! Of course you've got what it takes. Keep believing that everything you need is already within you.

  2. How profound that this was the Word for the day:) -
    Tuesday, 06 March 2012 00:00
    'Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it...' Psalm 127:1 NKJV

    In God's Kingdom, centre stage is not for those who think they've got their act together and deserve public recognition. Nor is it limited to those in leadership and public ministry. It's a call to action, to you, whoever and wherever you are today. When you trust God's timing He grooms you for bigger and better parts. But there are some things you must, and must not do: (1) Don't try to make it on your own. Popular wisdom says, 'Fake it till you make it,' and you'll be tempted to debut in your own strength. Don't do it! If you do, you will get in the way of a much greater production. The Bible says: 'Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it.' Trust God, and when your moment comes He will give you your cue. (2) the shadows. Are you ready to transform 'acting' into an authentic performance that reveals the real you? Fear of rejection is powerful. It takes courage to be yourself. But you gain strength from the struggle and power from the pain when you are willing to risk moving from the shadows into the light. (3) Confront your inner critic. We are all subject to the little voice within that says, 'You'll never be smart enough, rich enough, pretty enough or good enough to stand in the spotlight.' But when God raises you up, nobody can put you down. So remind your inner critic of God's promise: '...You shall go to all to whom I send you, and whatever I command you, you shall speak.' (Jeremiah 1:7 NKJV)
    Thanks Irene, Bless you.
