Alexandra Zvi

Alexandra Zvi
Designed by God to design

Wednesday 26 December 2012

From Oz to the UK via China

As I write this I’m onboard a flight from China to the UK on the way to NY to carry out my internship at Anna Sui. Ironic Anna Sui is American Chinese. I wander how Asian Anna is in her thinking? I wander if I’ll get to meet get to meet her? If so what will she be like?

This blog has been created to promote my fashion work, yet for now I shall use it as my travel journal. So how was China airlines? Chosen because they were cheap. 

The expression, ‘you get what you pay’ for comes to mind. The Melbourne to China leg had no flight entertainment. Aaagh what was I to do? 9 hours in the middle of the day without a movie to watch, hang on a minute I do have my lap top - oh dear I’ve only got about 4 hours left. So I started watching Chalet girl, a movie I’ve seen too many times already. However the lovely Irish man next to me remembered he’d got movies on his hard drive so he allowed me to download a few movies and TV shows. Thank you Chris from Dublin
Remember me was the first movie of choice. Ok – costumes – I mustn’t forget this is a fashion blog. What about the costumes? They captured the characters – the washed out t-shirts echoed the life of the washed out hope of Tyler, Robert Pattinson’s character. The real star of the show for me was New York. I wander what my neighbourhood will be like for the month. How quickly will it become ‘my neighbourhood’ or is 34 days just not long enough?  Watch this space.

Back to my China Southern Airlines experience. In Melbourne it's summer time – no socks; I ‘ll ask for some plane socks, I have done this with all the other airlines I’ve been on – with NO PROBLEM. Yes I’m entering into BLOCK CAPTIAL Shouting mode, since I was informed I wasn’t in the right class cabin to be allowed a pair. Sorry, the whole cabin wasn’t asking for socks just little old me. What harm would extending human kindness to me cause.
On a positive note the food was good. On entering the airport the cues began. Chinese bureaucracy was very slow. I’ll let you know how the Brits and Americans compare as I encounter them. But the wait at the airport only fueled my dislike of the Chinese.
Eventually I entered the Pullman hotel to be welcomed my a doorman who carried my bag, (my attitude was beginning to change) a beautiful pianist playing peaceful music in the foyer. I descended the escalated to be welcomed by the biggest Christmas tree I’ve ever seen indoors 
(not real LOL) 
and the friendliest receptionist, who upgraded me to a deluxe room. WOW. Now this was more of my type of place. I’ve never had a bathroom en-suite where the side-wall is glass and looks straight out into the bedroom. If I’d wanted close it off there were an electronic blind! But instead I watch TV from the bath relaxing – He Hee.

This is a plus point of my journey; splitting up my trip in a beautiful hotel is rather lovely. Another strange quirk of th China which you probably know already is Face book. Thought I’d check in and update to let you all know how I’m doing. Facebook is banned in China as is Twitter. I made contact via email. That still works!
So now I’m on the last leg back to the UK. On this leg there is in house entertainment and in the wee packs handed out – socks & I’m still the same economy class. Work that one out if you will?

I’ve been designing a wee bit in my fashionary book.  This is a sketch book tailor-made for Fashion designers. It has the outline of the model lightly drawn in dots. I’m not convinced it’s the way forward for me. It’s a bit like coloring-in books. As a child I hated being told what to draw. I prefer coming up with my own template. On a plus note it’s very quick for those thumbnail sketches. let me know what you think?

Thursday 6 December 2012

Ankle Sock Fashion

Inspired to ask the question through this Satorialist post - On the Street ... after Chanel, Paris:

Do ankle socks work in Fashion?

Discuss - Truly I'd love your opinions. 
If you're tall, leggy and size 8 maybe, but if you are under 5 foot and over 30. I'm not convinced.

What do You think?

‘Alright Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up’

22 sleeps to go until I arrive in NY. I’m going to endeavor to be more prolific on this blog of mine:

Today I got an email from Anna Sui – well not Anna personally, but the intern coordinator: This is what I’ll be doing:
  •       Making hand drawn copies of soft and hard paper patterns
  •      Writing cutter’s musts
  •       Writing specs
  •       Maintaining binders
  •       Assisting with fittings
  •       Running errands
  •       Photocopying 
I feel confident I’ll be able to keep up, so why is my stomach churching. Lots of reasons really; remember I’ve spent the past 20 years declaring dreams don’t come true and now I find myself about to live out a dream of being part of NY Fashion.

I got some advice the other day: 
Alex don’t speak, let your work speak for you

So I shall trace off patterns with precision

my note taking will be able to be read – years of writing on the white board will hopefully help that one.

May be not like this!

And ... 

I will smile as I photocopy.

Oh and for the past week I’ve been sewing with a passion using my own created patterns to produce an Alexandra Zvi outfit for little old me, not a 5’10” model but the 4’10” Designer.

I’ve been on a mission I’ve loved every minute, for the past 2 years I’ve created model sized clothes for the sake of showcasing my work. Now it’s my turn to wear Alexandra Zvi.

Here’s a sneak peak of the outfit -

Having a month in New York is allowing
me to be the women I am in my head.
Alright Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up’

Tuesday 27 November 2012

30 Days to go

So I have 30 days before a go to NY, so its one month. I’ll be in NY officially for a month working at Anna Sui. Right now I want this month to fly by, but my intern month to last forever.  Is a month long enough to establish a new life? I know your life can change in a moment from a trauma, or meeting your soul mate etc.
In my month of preparation what should I do?

Pray  -  Yes yes , I’m doing that!
Pack - Yes yes, I am preparing the
all in important wardrobe,
I’ve made a fantastic winter coat (more later)
Do Administration - Yes Yes I’m making
sure all paperwork and bills are paid
Anything else?

I’ll google ‘30 days’ and see what I get?

30 Days is a reality television show on the FX cable network in the United States, created and hosted by Morgan Spurlock. In each episode, Spurlock, or some other person or group of people, spend 30 days immersing themselves in a particular lifestyle with which they are unfamiliar (e.g. working for minimum wage, being in prison, a Christian living as a Muslim etc.), while discussing related social issues. As in Spurlock's film, Super Size Me, there are a number of rules unique to each situation, which must be followed during each such experiment. At least one episode each season has featured Spurlock as the person spending the month in the particular lifestyle.


Just who is Cutts? He joined Google as a software engineer in January 2000 and currently the head of Google’s Webspam team. He has his own blog encouraging the likes of you and me
He asks : ‘Do you want to be in good health? Do you want to be more successful? Do you want more love? Now you can! Start today with 1 challenge for the next 30 days. Take a small step everyday to create a new habit.’
On a creative note:
30 Days of Creativity is a global social initiative encouraging people to create stuff (anything) every day for 30 days in June. 2012 is our 3rd year. We hope to make it a big one.
Which lead me to this
Your brain is like a muscle. When you exercise it, it gets stronger.

Finally I came across this website:

Jad Limcaco runs a freelance web and graphic design business called Jad Graphics in Long Beach, CA. He also owns Heart Directed. His website Is

Jad calls us to - Design Something Every Day!

Jad wrote:
As designers, we’re all trying to get better at what we do. We surf the Web daily for hours trying to find useful tips and tricks to enhance our design skills. But what if we spent less time surfing the Web looking for inspiration and more time creating and designing things?'

The Challenge
Someone once said, “Practice makes perfect“. While that statement might not be completely true, I do believe that practice makes you better. That is why in this blog post, I would like to propose something to every designer: Why not try to design something every day for one year? – or atleast for 30 days!
Actors rehearse their lines until they learn them perfectly. Musicians practice their songs until every note is just right. Athletes practice their particular sport so they can excel. As designers, why can’t we do the same? Ask any successful designer in the community about how they have succeeded and they will attribute much of their success to practice. I challenge you today to design something daily. Take fifteen to twenty minutes that you would normally use to surf the Web today and devote it to designing something.
Most of you are probably thinking that I am out of my mind for proposing this. How can you, as a designer working either for a company or for yourself, find the time to design something daily?
I like this challenge, so from tonight I shall design something new  each day before I arrive at Anna Sui’s
Here's No 1
Looking forward to practising the illustration side of things!