Alexandra Zvi

Alexandra Zvi
Designed by God to design

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Thanks Everyone - part 1

Part 1
Last week I did 3 fashion shoots in 5 days. I thought I’d introduce you to the talented crew who helped me to record my creativity. 

The first shoot happened because of Twitter. I follow Kit Lee, a beautiful blog called
Check it out:
Kit Lee
My kind of women - Embellishment:)
A Tweet talking about coffee, led to a follow of the vivacious Annora Theong, blogger at Nora Finds.

Nora describes herself thus - "Nora Finds is a 25 year-old molecular biologist by day and fashionista by night. Assembled in Indonesia using Chinese parts and exported to Australia at 16. Has been roaming the streets of Sydney since. Nora loves finding vintage beauties and new designers and this blog is where she shares with her readers."

Nora, being based in Sydney meant that, from twitter we became FB friends, then chatted on the phone and she and her fella, Justin ended up photographing my batwing chiffon tops 
(PLUG PLUG - available on Etsy!)

Through Nora I found myself in Sydney at the atmospheric Sydney Art Collage 
re-shooting the Gothic Romance collection with the enigmatic photographer Lowel Abala.
"Lowel's fascination for fashion photography started last year 2011 when he was watching Fashion TV, he became obsessed how the photographers consistently made beautiful photos. So he decided to assist other photographers to gain knowledge how the fashion industry works, after a short period of time assisting, he decided to go out there and discover his own vision. "

The Sydney shoot
The original Collection was shot by my No 1 and first Aussie based photographer John Englezos. No matter how many fabulous talented photographers I will get to work with in the future, John will always be my No 1 photographer. 
None the less Lowel's work is outstanding, very different to John’s work which for me was fantastic as the GR collection took on something new - an edgier look, show casing a new piece designed especially for the update - a very dramatic velvet coat. Still inspired by Edwardian opulence, but taken one step further along the path of a dramatic entrance.

The Makeup by Burton Yuen certainly added to the spectacle.  

I wasn’t present at the makeup session, so when I met the models, Diana Villegas and Sherryl Roquid
I was taken back, not my usual style, but I was definitely excited to try something new. We wanted Drama and that’s what we got.

See what I mean?

I’ll definitely be back in contact with this team!

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